draft one

Posted in Uncategorized on June 30, 2013 by jeffbaillie

The magnificence of that gigantic farting beast. It’s horns and the inside of its ears were the colour that women strive to ride. just the linear intensity of the circumference of its nostrils like you could imagine a perfectly spun black clay bowl. The eye somewhere between your level one cousin’s intellect and the saddest dumb creature you could ever imagine. So sad the viscosity looked as though a tear was about disengage from the bloodshot corner and stain its leathery shoulder if it moved too fast to the left or the right. So I approached her and her and one of  her sparkly shirted friends at the end of the bar with trepidation and a certain bovine swagger of my own. As she licked the edge of her glass where there was still an accumulation of salt my friend swooped past me like he was released from a falconer’s gloved fist so deft and swift I was actually knocked off balance. Before I could get to my feet he spoke to these mid twentyish lightly moustached cherubs without eye contact only cleavage in the line of sight and said only five words in a such a thick guttaral drunken slurr only the three of us were privy to in its simplicity. “You bitchees fuck aw wot?” I immediately lost my footing once again and fell to a knee feeling the saturation of the denim with either spilt beer, urine or possibly dilluted vomit with a cleaning agent.


Posted in Illustrations on March 5, 2010 by jeffbaillie

Title: “Wood Eye (or Wooden Eye)”-illustration/10

Title: “Tortures of the Nicotine Dream”-illustration/09

Title: “Tiger Lily”-illustration/10

Title: “To Defend…or Attack”-illustration/10

Title: “Theatrum Mortis”-illustration/10

Title: “They Eat Their Young!!”-illustration/10

Title: “Quid Clarius Astris”-illustration/09

Title: “Lust”-illustration/10

Title: “Cracktivity”-illustration/10

Title: “Just Watch Your Rage”-illustration/10

Title: “Fly Fly (Oh My)”-illustration/09

Title: “Aqua Acerbus”-illustration/09

Title: “Hot Shit”-illustration/10

Cerebral Illuminations

Posted in Illustrations on December 10, 2009 by jeffbaillie

Title: “Blue Green Number Fourteen”-illustration/09

Title: “Peppered Pirate Sauce”-illustration/09

Title: “Hot Cap Junkie Destruction”-illustration/09

Title: “Madness Below the Foundation of Myth”-illustration/09

Title: “Winged Eye of Swift Retribution”-illustration/09

The New Plague

Posted in Paintings on May 20, 2009 by jeffbaillie

da doom doom

Title: “Da Doom Doom!” -painting/09

13″ x 12″ acrylic on masonite 45$ CDN

Blister on my Tongue

Posted in Paintings on May 19, 2009 by jeffbaillie

cinnamon heart

Title: “Cinnamon Heart (Blister on my tongue)” -painting/09

11.5″ x 12″ acrylic on masonite board 45$ CDN

The Hereafter Song

Posted in Paintings on May 15, 2009 by jeffbaillie

Funeral Music

Title: “Funeral Music” -painting/09

15″ x 16″ acrylic on masonite board 65$ CDN

She Sells Hell

Posted in Paintings on April 16, 2009 by jeffbaillie


Title: “The Hell She Sells (By the Sea Whore)” -painting/09

16″ x 15″ acrylic on masonite board (property of L. Paller)

Thanks for the name Lisa.

The Last Post of Bush

Posted in Illustrations on April 16, 2009 by jeffbaillie


Title: “Bush’s Last Post” -illustration/09

Jesus Christ! I went kinda’ brutal on this one. Do I think this should happen to Dubya? No, not really…I think a worse fate for him is to spend the rest of his life in humiliation, for being the worst American president the world has ever seen. I wonder if he feels any guilt?

Damn! I got a lot of good shit out of this guy…He’ll be satiristically missed. Maybe one more of him in and orange jumpsuit?…Nah…Let’s move on…

Abstract Depressionism?

Posted in Paintings on February 22, 2009 by jeffbaillie


Title: “The Blue Eye”-painting/08 (property of M. Dennis)


Title: “Pixied Spine”-painting/08 35$ CDN


Title: “Amongst the Reeds”-painting/08 35$ CDN

All three are approx. 12″ x 12″ in acrylic on masonite board.

It’s Almost Too Heavy

Posted in Illustrations on February 17, 2009 by jeffbaillie


Title: “Passing It”-illustration/09